Will my hot tub utility costs be higher in winter?

Lower hot tub utility costs in winter.

Are you ready to have the best in hot tub luxury as an important part of your daily renewal routine? If so, you aren’t the only one! Hot tubs have been well-known for decades as a therapeutic way to relieve daily stress. They also aid in supporting sore joints and muscles. And when you want a place to relax and connect with the ones you love, there’s nothing better than spending time with family and friends in the swirling waters of your own hot tub. You may be wondering as we head into colder temperatures if your hot tub utility costs will be higher in winter. Rest assured, there are factors you can consider if you already own a tub or are considering a future purchase. 

Energy Usage Factors and Utility Costs

When considering your hot tub utility costs, there are some important factors to consider. Energy costs for hot tubs can vary due in part to both the energy draw of the heater and also the pump. Additionally, the actual cost will depend on your energy cost per kilowatt-hour. The fantastic news is that in the great state of Texas, we don’t usually get plunging temperatures during the winter. This will put a smile on your face when your utility bill comes in. The milder the climate, the less expense you will incur when you use your hot tub during the winter months. 

Hot Tub Construction

Today’s incredible hot tub manufacturers are designing spas with energy efficiency in mind. Let’s take a look at some construction factors that affect energy costs.

  • Spa size. Hot tubs come in all shapes and sizes. And some come with multiple pumps. Get the size that is perfect for your needs.
  • Pump quality. Look for a two-speed pump. A two-speed pump serves two functions. At low speed, the pump is continuously circulating the water in order to help with heating and filtration. When operating at higher speed, the pump then powers the jets. While at low speed, a quality pump is very cost effective.
  • Heater size. Hot tub systems are either 120v or 240v. Both types are able to keep your water warm year-round. The biggest benefit of 240v hot tubs for some is the fact that they do initially heat the tub much faster than a 120v tub. Between the two, 120v tubs are the lower-cost option.
  • Tub insulation. High-quality and high-density full-foam insulation between the shell and cabinet will provide superior energy efficiency.

Ownership Strategies for Utility Costs

As an owner, you can play a huge role in determining if your hot tub costs will be enjoyable in the winter. There are some great strategies you can employ to keep winter costs down so that you can enjoy your hot tub year-round without worry.

  • Choose a high-quality, well-fitting hot tub cover. The thicker the foam the better. With thicker foam, you have more heat-trapping ability. When is it time to buy a new cover?  You’ll know when you start noticing your cover seems heavier than normal. A heavier cover means that the protective plastic barrier around the foam has broken down, and the foam inside your cover is becoming waterlogged.
  • Program your pump. By programming your filtration cycles, hot tub ownership is both easy and cost effective. Think about programming your filtration cycles during off- or mid-peak hours so that you spend less. 
  • Heater adjustments. Adjusting your temperature is really the same concept as how you save energy with your home thermostat. How you set the temperature on your hot tub heater depends on how frequently you want to use your hot tub during the winter months. If you only want to use your tub on weekends, do you really want to have it cranked up to 104 degrees all week long? If no, turn that baby down. By making smart decisions about your hot tub heater, you don’t have to see higher utility costs in the winter. Just a 10-degree difference can show savings of up to 20%.
  • Be a hot tub maintenance pro. Take care of your water, and regularly clean or replace your hot tub filters. You’ll reap the rewards of good ownership maintenance on your utility bill.

What should I do next?

Are you an old pro or a fledgling hot tub owner? Do you own an older model tub or are you in the market for a new energy-efficient one? Regardless of your situation, you can have confidence, particularly in the winter months, in owning and operating your Sundance® Spa without significantly higher utility costs. And if you ever have any questions, you know just who to call! The exceptional staff at A-Quality Pool Service is your trusted ally in your hot tub ownership journey. Call us today at 817-281-0781 or stop in-store for expert advice on everything you need for your hot tub.

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