3 Hot Tub Accessories You Definitely Need

a woman in a robe uses hot tub accessories while standing next to her hot tub with flowers in the background

It’s a pretty well-known fact that spa use has some real, measurable benefits. When it comes to relaxing in your Sundance Spa®, why don’t you increase those benefits even more? Sundance spas offers a wide variety of hot tub accessories that can really take your spa experience to the next level. You can lay back and relax with these three hot tub accessories you definitely need. 

Step It Up with Spa Stairs

Let’s face it. No one looks graceful trying to crawl into a hot tub from the ground floor, and that struggle has the potential to dampen your relaxation session. We have the solution for you with some specially designed steps to make it easier and less stressful to actually get into your glorious Sundance Spa. 

When Sundance designed their spa stairs they had both form and functionality in mind. Each stair set is designed to match the cabinet of your spa perfectly while also being weather resistant. That means the hot Fort Worth, Texas, sun won’t do too much damage to the aesthetic of your spa steps. And you can effortlessly ease into your spa for the ultimate relaxation session you’ve been craving.

Sip the Night Away with a Spa Drink Tray

You can’t have a proper relaxation session without proper hydration. It’s important to balance the need for extra hydration when you’re soaking in your Sundance Spa. It’s even more important to streamline your relaxation to get the most out of your hot tub soak. 

You can keep all the liquid refreshment choices you have on one of Sundance Spa’s specially designed beverage trays. You won’t need to struggle with where to put your drinks or those of your guests. You’ll have a perfectly designed place for them, so you can relax and enjoy your beverage of choice. 

Melt Away Into Spa Aromatherapy

And, finally, the last hot tub accessory you definitely need is Sundance Spa’s SunScents™ aromatherapy. These beautifully scented beads can be added to your 880 or 990 series Sundance Spa to create scented bubbles that will really enhance your relaxation experience. It’s scientifically proven that the sense of smell helps create beautiful memories. 

Choose from scents like Honey Mango, Tahitian Vanilla, Eucalyptus, and others. Help yourself to fully and completely relax with the help of aromatherapy. Breathe deeply, sink into the water, and soak away your troubles. The added bonus with spa aromatherapy is that you can use your olfactory senses to instantly remember a relaxing feeling. If you’re anxious at work, you can use the smell of Tahitian Vanilla or Honey Mango to remind yourself of your relaxing spa sessions. 

You can’t accessorize a spa you don’t have. So when you’re ready to find the perfect Sundance Spa to fit your needs, give our team at A-Quality Pools a call. Our team of experts are happy to help you choose the best spa or any pool and spa chemicals you might need in the Fort Worth area. 

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