Pool Safety Cover Versus Pool Fence

Pool Safety Cover versus Pool Fence

Having a pool in your backyard is just plain F-U-N! Children and adults alike enjoy splashing, swimming, and cooling off in the water all season long. However, pool ownership also comes with an important responsibility and commitment to pool safety. Taking the necessary precautions with a pool will help keep your family safe, protect children in your neighborhood, and even prevent animals from falling in. So, what is the difference between a pool safety cover versus a pool fence and which do I need? Let us explain what makes them effective and why using both is the best choice.

The Role of a Pool Cover

The primary reason to use a pool cover is for safety. A pool safety cover can be used between swim sessions as well as a winter cover. By using a cover on your pool, you can have confidence that no person or thing will fall into your pool unknowingly. LOOP-LOC® Safety Covers are the best pool covers in the industry. Known for their strength, reliability, and quality, you will have peace of mind with a LOOP-LOC cover! The mesh material on these covers is 30% stronger than any other pool cover, and it has an unbreakable lock for maximum safety. 

Using a pool cover has other useful benefits as well. These include reducing pool heating costs, reducing water loss by minimizing evaporation, reducing pool chemical consumption, preventing debris from entering, and more.

Right now is the perfect time to order your custom LOOP-LOC pool cover to arrive just in time for pool closing. Contact us today to start the customizing process and your cover can be delivered in as little as six to eight weeks. 

The Role of a Pool Fence

Another way to keep your family and others safe is with a pool fence. In fact, North Richland Hills and many of the surrounding areas require all pool owners to install a fence. The safest pool fences are those that go directly around your pool on all four sides, are a minimum of 48 inches tall, cannot be easily climbed, and have no gaps greater than four inches at the bottom. Additionally, local law requires all pool fences to be self-latching, self-closing, and capable of being locked.

If your pool fence is missing sections, damaged in some manner, or in any way less effective, it poses a safety risk and fails to meet local requirements. Contact our team at A-Quality Pools to install a high-quality pool fence that will greatly increase your pool safety and meet legal standards. 

Should I Get a Fence or Cover? We Recommend Both!

Are you trying to decide which is best for you? At A-Quality Pools, we recommend you have both a pool fence and a pool cover! By installing both a cover and fence, you have a secondary line of defense at all times. Should your pool fence get left open, you still have a pool cover. In summer when your pool is getting constant use and the cover not on, the fence is still in place to keep everyone safe. You will not regret having the necessary means to keep your family and friends safe in all circumstances. 

Make pool safety a priority. To order a custom pool cover or have a pool fence replaced or installed, contact A-Quality Pools today.

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